The Strategic Independent: Book Outline

This piece is part of a book project to explore the theory and practice of independent consulting.

See the book overview here.

Chapter 1: The Strategic Independent
Chapter 2: Finding Work
Chapter 3: Bridging The Gap
Chapter 4: Effective Strategy Work
Chapter 5: Ways of Seeing
Chapter 6: Yes! And...
Chapter 7: Kairos Consulting
  • Kairos consulting part 1 - The Consultant Out of Time (in draft)
  • Kairos consulting part 2 - The Jigsaw of Independence (in draft)
Chapter 8: The Inner Life of Consultants

Scenes from Consulting

Example dialogue

Little dialogue snippets - “plays” from consulting. Consulting scenes.

Dialogue is real and tangible, how to make it interesting and engaging? Sales dialogue would be useful.

Consultant: Here’s the report1


  1. Note the status switch here. 

Thanks for reading. This post is part of my book project The Strategic Independent: Theory & Practice for Independent Consultants.

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