I had never thought so obsessively about poetry as I did when I was learning about syntactic linguistics.
There were different kinds of verbs, my professor had told me. If John threw a ball, that throwing was a doing. But if John loved Mary, my professor stressed that, within the structure of the sentence, John served as what was called an “experiencer” of the emotion of love. Loving was not a doing — syntactically speaking, of course. He drew for us two diagrammatic trees that demonstrated how the nature of a doing or experiencing verb influenced how the sentence was modeled in our internal understanding of language.
There is poetry in constellations, and poetry in patterns of birdsong, but this class was how I learned about the poetry that inhabits the formal structures of language. Was the professor aware of the symphony he was plotting out on the blackboard? He was composing out loud a striking thesis on what it meant to perform the act of love, or, indeed, to simply be the experiencer of some cosmic feeling. I was desperate to learn more, especially if the professor continued to explain these concepts in a way that inadvertently sounded like a poetic proclamation.
Part of a PhD on Writing Coastlines: Locating Narrative Resonance in Transatlantic Communications Networks which is full of interactive digital poetry experiences like this one. Magic!
The PDF looks a bit ugly but I love this kind of homebrew software approach. Allows you to create a custom calendar as a single PDF file for your remarkable
(Still don’t know why Remarkable doesn’t do a daily notes / calendar natively….)
Lovely thoughts on conversations, especially with those you’ve known for a long time. Rhymes with Good Conversations Have Doorknobs.
And I was thinking, actually, about conversations between my wife and me. I was thinking, more precisely, about conversational “space.” We are two whole universes connected, anchored by very deep connection, but there are a thousand books worth of experiences that belong to one of us alone. You spend 17 years together and we know the easy paths to each other. They are well-marked, assiduously maintained, no poison ivy. But how much more are all of us — are the hillsides — than the well-worn trails?
Every person on this earth is a monstrously huge landscape, and yet, we can drop into any of it with a simple incantation, the right string of words piped through this sparse interface. At a bus stop, taking in two dogs playing, paying for a muffin—you might unveil a secret path to walk for a year or just a few feet. I have been blessed with my mother’s gift of easy connection to others. But what is the nature of that gift? It’s saying: hey, that seems interesting, wanna go there? As simple as stepping off the trail to point out a mushroom.
Anything can open up a hillside to explore. But often, it is the components of conversations that open up the rest of me: an unexpected question, someone else’s lingering shower thought, a feral conjecture about the world, free empathy, a true thing offered, a scrambled memory reassembled in real time.
Delightful, funky, jazzy piano.
A URL is a radical act… I love these presentation notes on museums, the cultural sector and the web. Lots to mull over:
One of the reasons I think these considerations are so important to the cultural heritage sector is that the act of revisiting is the bedrock underlying the whole idea of cultural heritage itself. The act of re-reading a book, or re-listening to a piece of music or of going to see the same painting or sculpture again and again and of celebrating the evolution of an understanding about those works is what separates cultural heritage from entertainment. Entertainment, born of the moment, can and does become cultural heritage but it is precisely through the act of revisiting that one becomes the other.
The web simply makes those acts of revisiting possible for more people, in more ways, than ever before. When I say these things are possible I mean that the economics of participating in this global network of documents are within the reach of, if not everyone, then more people than ever before. These things become possible because technologies underlying the web are simple enough to meaningfully lower the barrier to participation and unburdened by licensing in a way which allows people to share their work and for others still to extend that work to meet their needs.
On Dudley High Street, we invite people to come together to reveal hidden stories and experiment with ideas for flourishing futures. Through many and varied projects, experiments and experiences, we open up ways for people to take cultural action rooted in long term thinking and care, collective imagination and regenerative design.
What a magnificent book. A call to arms to write, to self publish, to unfurl, to become someone new. Raw, honest, engaging writing. Highly recommended.
Love seeing concrete examples of teams creating new input metrics that they operationalize around.
%FIRE: Frustrating image-render experience
In addition to all the text updates people share, we have a lot of photos shared on Threads. When images load slowly or not at all, that can cause someone to stop using the app. That’s why we monitor an important metric to alert when there’s a regression in how images are loading for our users. That metric, %FIRE, is the percentage of people who experience a frustrating image-render experience, and it’s calculated as shown in Figure 1, below.
Figure 1: %FIRE calculation.
All kinds of things can regress %FIRE, both on the client end and the backend, but not all image-rendering bugs are covered by this metric. For example, in Threads iOS, we had a bug earlier this year where user profile photos would flicker because of how we were comparing view models when reusing them. That triggered a frustrating user experience, but not one where users would contribute to %FIRE.
A lovely bouncing retro something
What goals! Something I aspire to.
Lovely meditation on innovation
And associated HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40986894
Started reading this while traveling through Utah and Arizona to get a feel for desert living. I enjoyed the book but definitely didn’t feel like it lived up to the hype. Inventive but the characters felt a little stale.
Mintzberg now claims to use the term ‘the Honda effect’ to describe “western consultants, academics, and executives preference for over-simplifications of reality and cognitively linear explanations of events”.
What a wonderful exploration of the “overview effect” for organizations - seeing how the whole org works can be empowering AND alienating….
An incredible perspective on why getting things done in large orgs is hard
The best book on iterative, exploratory career paths I’ve read. Full of practical ideas.
A great perspective on input metrics, dashboards and creating alignment
A lovely soul-filled perspective on why organizations are dysfunctional.
Lovely little meditation on what it means to “think strategically”
I love these kinds of posts that really get to the heart of time/energy tradeoffs.
An amazing practical and well researched perspective on what it really means to be “data driven”
“Only 2% of executives who were part of our research workshop on learning said they believe that instructor-led learning will be a priority for their organization going forward. Instead, 39% said that “in the workflow” learning would be more important.”
While this kind of self-directed learning sounds nice, the research seems to suggest that guided instruction works better! This is a tension to solve - bringing in more grounded theory of how people learn into the buzzy hype-driven space of L&D and corporate learning environments
A lovely piece on why organizational context matters, and why it’s especially important in a world of remote work.
Comments: Something something
Comments: A wonderful meditation on the arcs of a career and how you might pace yourself.
Loved this! I don’t read spy novels very often but Robin Sloan recommended it and I loved the story and the fast paced action. Fun change of pace - and there’s some great writing in there. Recommended.
Fun to read this against the backdrop of GPT3/GPT4! I enjoyed the book but found it kind of fizzled out at the end. I was hoping it was going to work towards some kind of crescendo but found the ending just kind of weak. But I still enjoyed the read.
What a fun read! Poignant, fun and really engrossing. It reminded me of hints of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon at times though I don’t think it had quite the same depth. Recommended though!
Love the style and sense of wonder that Jorge writes with. Perhaps I should read the other Bahia books in the series…
A lovely novella from Robin Sloan that builds on the Robin Sloan Cinematic Universe…! Fast pasted and full of intrigue. Definitely left me wanting more!
What a magical lush book. Ugly, raw, squelchy. The opposite of the Ruth Ozeki book I just read… Popisho is full of exquisite descriptions, magical realism, surreal nonsense and raw, bloody, colorful magic. Full of gods and humans at their best and worst I absolutely loved this book. If you’re looking for something that is a riot of color, emotion and humanity then this is it.
While at times Ruth Ozeki’s writing is lyrical and magical, mostly this book felt kind of sterile. Neither of the main characters feel deeply explored and the most interesting characters (the aleph and the bottleman) are really only side events. Overall the book tasted like it had been aged in steel barrels and I was left wanting something more full bodied, more lyrical, more vivid.
Oof. That concludes reading all 16 of the realm of the elderlings books. I haven’t kept detailed notes on them but I’m so glad that I read them all and read them in order. In many ways Nighteyes is the main character. These last three books tie together so many threads and loose ends - the storyline is dark but the ending is magical. Robin Hobb has such a powerful command of both small characters and giant worlds.
Are there stronger characters than the Fitz and the Fool? What depth of emotion. This series is a magical climax and feels like it rivals the original assassin trilogy! Loved reading this series.
WHAT! So many mysteries unraveling, starting, crossing. Such emotionally charged scenes. Not giving anything away but this book is a big one.
A really magical exploration of global capitalism and… mushrooms?!
LOVE returning to Fitz and the Fool. I’m so deep in the Robin Hobb world now….
Wow! Another trilogy down. I love the callbacks and hints for the original series. Onwards!
Now things are getting interesting! Love the origin story for the live ships - what an incredible dark backdrop to the whole saga.
Onwards into the Robin Hobb cinematic universe! This series starts somewhat slowly but I love the all new (or is it!) version of live ships and their unique “magic”.
I love this trilogy so much. This is my third or fourth full re-read since I was a teenager and it remains magical each time. Such world building, characters and adventure. Onwards to the remaining…. checks notes…. 14 books!
That last line!! Such depth of characters. I really love this series. World building, unique ideas around magic, politics, love, wolves, assassins! Love it. Just as good as I remember.
Diving back into an epic read of the 17 Robin Hobb books. The farseer trilogy is my all time fave and I’ve read these books several times before but I’m starting here to read them all in order.
What richness! The first time I’ve read sci-fi that felt a bit like Iain M Banks. Deep, complex, rich worlds with strong characters. An absolute treat - spanning langauge, poetry, politics, identity, memory and more. I cannot wait for the followup. After reading so much poorly written sci fi recently (Dune, The Ministry of the Future, Exhalation..) this was a refreshing breath of fresh air.
An airbnb read. Just lovely poetic writing - a breath of fresh air after a bunch of badly-written scifi.
Abandoned during the free preview. Everyone is raving about this book but honestly the writing felt incredibly flat. I’m tired of sci-fi stories having bad writing :(
Some great thought provoking ideas about coaching, consulting and being embedded inside organizations as an outsider. I especially love the concept in the book of overbounded or underbounded organizations.
Abandoned 2/3 of the way through :( - while I quite enjoyed some of the provocations in the stories ultimately the writing didn’t captivate me. Left me feeling bored so I gave it up.
I have fond memories of the first time reading this and felt like it left a big impression on me. Re-reading this book I still loved it but the shine has come off a little - I think other culture books are perhaps better. Still, the world building (universe building!) that Iain M Banks does is like no other.
A great read about internet creators, economics of production, communities, influencers, open source and more. Nadia provides a ton of real data and examples but pairs them with big ideas and concepts. Essential read.
A wonderful rich book exploring the world of high end culinary R&D to find lessons applicable for other types of organizations. A really fun read - great stories about high end cooking as well as sharp insights about food.
Classic sci-fi short stories recommended by Matt Webb. Some really lovely ideas and great writing! All the stories are very character-driven and often reflect more strongly on the individual characters motives and identities over the larger sci-fi conceits! Lovely. Thanks Matt!
What a magnificent - truly epic work. I’m a big Steinbeck fan already and I think I even read this one previously but loved immersing myself in this wonderful story. The biblical theme is almost too strong at times but is richly counterbalanced by Steinbeck’s incredibly loving character portraits. Amazing.
A really great fast-paced read. Eliot has a great knack for constructing plausible near-futures and then situating fully realized human stories within those futures. Thought provoking and enjoyable.
While the writing style at times is captivating - like a penny falling into a deep well - often the writing was unremarkable and the plot unfolded fairly slowly. All in the book was, ironically, forgettable. That said - the ending, where bodies start to fade away really resonated during this period of lockdown and isolation - it captures the essence of my embodied self fading away into an infinite series of zoom screens.
A wonderful meditation on career change (and life change generally) as being a process of iterating and trying on new identities. Has deep implications for independents also. Going to blog this book up. Originally found via Vaughn Tan’s newsletter.
Brian suggested I get into Haiku and pick up this book and I’m glad I did! Beautiful, easy to read intro to Haiku. The author gives great context for what Haiku is, the main poets and how to read Haiku poetry. Recommended!
A wonderful book. Like an absurdist Cormac McCarthy x Kurt Vonnegut mashup. Lyrical descriptions, wonderful characters and a wild imagination. Highly recommended.
There are moments when the lavish fantasy world and the magic contained in it sucked me in - but ultimately the character development and plot just didn’t hang together to keep me reading. Good escapist reading but there are better fantasy worlds to lose yourself in than this one.
A truly delightful novel - with hints of PG Wodehouse. This book really sucked me in with magical lush writing and a great wry tone. Definitely recommended.
A fun quick read. There’s some good language and some nice world-setting but I wish some of the characters had been more fully developed and I wish the central idea had been stronger. The ending kind of fizzles out and there could have been room for so much more here.. Good for a little lightweight-dytopia though.
I think perhaps I made a mistake. I didn’t realize until after I’d read it that it was part of the Borne series. Maybe that would have been useful because this book made zero sense. Like a William Burroughs book it was somehow interesting and riveting at times despite literally making no sense. Did I mention it makes no sense? The first section with the three astronauts was the most compelling….. Maybe I should read the other Borne books and it’ll make more sense? But I doubt it.
Abandoned 500 pages in. I tried to keep going but just couldn’t. A Very Bad Book. Highly un-recommended. This is a good takedown. So many characters are badly written sexually frustrated males and it’s just all round a bad book. Couple sentences worth savoring but.. ugh.
Amor is a wonderful writer with so many lyrical touches, flourishes and turns of phrase. The feel of the book of politics, culture and acting in the proper way is great. Without posting spoilers there’s a few themes in the book that make me feel like the book was written by a man - that some of the more emotionally rich moments are skipped over… But overall highly recommended as a fun, engaging and lyrical book.
I really should have read this years ago but I really enjoyed this piece. The core ideas around tempo of interactions, narrative time and that the kitchen is the best way to think about time will all stick with me for a while. Recommended.
A delightful little book that was a gift from my friend Brian. A little meditation on conversations, how important they are and some of the explicit and implicit ways they can go wrong. At first I thought this was going to offer solutions and ideas but mostly it just offers poetry and provocations. I think it’ll stick with me for a long time though - and the art from the author scattered through the book makes a lovely little object. Thanks Brian!
A fast-paced, high-action read. A fun time-travel romp with some great characters. Ultimately I thought the premise was smart and the writing handled it well but the whole novel felt a little shallow. There were some really meaty ideas about identity and family wrapped up here that kind of got sidelined for the sake of the technology-driven plot and I thought that was a shame. Fun read though.
Lovely vintage sci-fi recommended by Chris Butler. There’s aliens, teleporting and… magic? But nothing flashy happens - it’s an incredibly human story. This is a really thoughtful and fresh story. Highly recommended.
The opening line of Idiot’s First is a masterpiece. ‘The thin ticking of the tin clock stopped’. Loved a few of the other stories but some were definitely forgettable. I’d recommend dipping your toe in and at the very least reading the title story Idiots First.
Ah what delicious sludgy, dark, human texture. China Miéville’s descriptive language and world building is unparalleled. This is book two (after reading Perdido Street Station last year). These books are long and luxurious so perhaps not the best entry point if you’re new to his writing but if you like this kind of thing there’s nothing better. My only quarrel with this book was the ending… It felt somewhat unsatisfying, or rather unfinished - where a typical book resolves this felt like the open sea was still in front of you? But it’s a very minor comment as mostly the strength of this book was that every page told a lifetime of texture. Definitely going to read book three of this trilogy after a break.
After reading All That Is I had to wash my palette and get back to some of his delicious writing. This was much more in line with Light Years and contained some lovely moments. None of the short stories will linger with me too long but it’s a short read and I’d recommend it.
The core idea of the masks - the cartoonist, the director, the hacker and the emissary - is wonderful and a new lens to look at the world through, so overall I’d recommend the book. But there was also an incredible over-indulgence from the author to live inside his own worlds (which feels very finite game like, not infinite game like). And the lack of people anywhere in his worlds is also problematic. That said - the book as an object is beautiful and wonderfully designed.
I really enjoyed this - a delightfully British story of being trapped, like a combination of Kafka and PG Wodehouse. The plot derailed itself in a few places and there was a whole Shakespere reference that kind of went over my head but the writing was wonderful. Recommended.
I really loved this. Distinctive, fresh writing that captures so much of the present weirdness in society while also somehow feeling timeless. The middle third dragged slightly for me but the descent into ecological weird towards the end is just wonderful and reminds me of the Annihiliation series by Jeff Vandermeer. Oh and the whole book centers on this premise of artists becoming ‘consultants’ which is magnificent. Recommended. Verdict- 👍🌲
A wildly disappointing read. Not that it was so bad but that having recently read Light Years I was expecting so much more. There were moments of brilliance in the writing and some of the scenes will linger with me overall the book didn’t really make me feel anything. Definitely read Light Years instead.
Book two of the Analog series. Overall I connected less with the main character in this one but connected more with the overall premise which is very thought provoking. It feels today that we are actively living through the end (or at least a phase transition) of sovereignty. Compelling and a quick read.
I completely devoured this book. The characters and pace keeps it flowing but the ideas will stick with me - it’s grounded in a very near future and the concepts are well thought through. Excited to keep diving into Borderless next.
A majestic feat of imagination - whirlwind story of a gong-fu epic in a world gone mad. Definitely feels like it needed better editing or structuring and was about 100 pages too long but the strength of imagination and grasp of poetry really captivated me. Picked this up off the street on the way home from kung-fu training (approriate!). I’ll be reading more of his work.
This book completely destroyed me. The writing is dense and poetic like almost no one I’ve ever read. Did you know glass is a liquid and slowly ‘flows’? This book operates on a time horizon and ‘flows’ through lives in a deeply transformative way. Found via Phil Gyford
It’s architecture writing but lyrical, magical and opinionated. A tour de force through New York’s history with tons of interesting characters, ideas, explorations and more. Ideas include congestion as an organizing principle of the city, and every block being an archipelago. Wonderful and highly recommended.
Abandoned. I think somewhere in this book is buried a wonderful treasure. The looping self-aware story is fundamentally interesting and new but the language that wraps around it chokes it to death. Abandoned about half way through.
A wonderful original work - full of interesting characters. Ghosts! Spys! Old London! Really enjoyed this and tore through it super fast.
Great unique book, wonderful analogy to finite and infinite writing….
Provocative premise but I felt it squandered an opportunity at a deeper political and/or emotional exploration of what would happen if teenage girls gained a new incredible power. Somehow it resorted to…. fucking and fighting?
A staggering, creative, filthy, engrossing tour through a world with such magical and rich depths. No one can build worlds like China.
William Gibson meets Kafka. A corporate strategy consultant / ethnographer ponders the meaning of life and searches for the Great Report.
Tender, oozing, lyrical, dark, DARK stories of being human. Did I mention they are dark? What writing though! What imagination!