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Digital Gardens

Building wikis and tending to knowledge

  1. Of Digital Streams, Campfires and Gardens

    Written on 10 October 2018.

  2. A few things surfaced recently that I wanted to connect the dots on. First - a thread from Venkatesh on information consumption, with lovely insights about how retreating from technology is not the answer. And of course living entirely in the stream also doesn’t work for us. So what? This framework gives us some good insights into where and...
  3. Building a digital garden

    Written on 17 February 2019.

  4. This post is slightly long and slightly technical. The TL;DR is that I built a personal wiki out of files and folders and a few templates in Jekyll hosted on Github Pages. If you want to head straight to the wiki head here: and if you want to skip straight to the technical how-to...
  5. Planting new varietals in my digital garden

    Written on 19 June 2019.

  6. Back in February of this year I realized that this blog could be more than a blog - that by virtue of being a static site I can maintain a local files+folders structure and use that to publish my own personal wiki to the web. More on all of that in the original post here: building a digital garden....
  7. TiddlyBlink on Glitch

    Written on 20 April 2020.

  8. Anne-Laure Le Cunff posted a really great post recently on setting up TiddlyWiki as a self-hosted and open source Roam competitor: If you are looking for an open source alternative to Roam Research, TiddlyWiki is your best bet. Because it’s self-hosted—meaning you keep your data private—it may seem...
  9. A Good Looking Tiddly Theme for Digital Gardens

    Written on 19 May 2020.

  10. There’s been a ton of energy for digital gardens recently. First this thread blew up: And then - Anne-Laure started blogging about TiddlyWiki: Getting started with TiddlyWiki: a beginner’s tutorial - Ness Labs How to build a digital garden with TiddlyWiki - Ness Labs That inspired me to...